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Session Opportunities

Intuitive Massage Therapy:

* hot towels are available upon request...let the practitioner know ahead of time, plz 

Christine Miller: Swedish Massage $40/30 min, $60/60 min, $90/90 min, $120/120 min.

Angela: 65 Minute Customized Massage ($105) Includes a variety of massage modalities, specific to what the client needs. This session time is ideal for clients either in need of a treatment for a localized, specific area, or who want a full body relaxation (Swedish) massage.

Angela; 90 Minute Customized Massage ($130) Includes a variety of massage modalities, specific area, or who want a full body relaxation (Swedish) massage. 

Angela: 120 Minute Customized Massage ($190) Includes a variety of massage modalities, specific area, or who want a full body relaxation (Swedish) massage. 


Energy Healing work:

John Kelly: Soul Ascension, Chakra align & balance, Removal with cleansing of Trauma energies, grounding/centering: Price varies with an average $70/hour

Access Bars: 

Rachael Porter: Access Bars $75/hour 


Life & Empowerment coaching:​

Michael Schmeeckle: coaching with guided mediation and ground zero trauma energy release, to build a game plan with a plan of action for a successful paths.

Gold Package: $400 for a the building of your life's new foundation (avg 2 to 3 hour session) then $75/hour for maintenance sessions. 

($150/hour normal rates per session) 


Handcrafted therapy artwork:

Christine Miller: Depending upon which art piece the prices vary between $10 to $40

Handmade therapy Hugs:

Christine Miller: $25/each one

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